Saturday, December 12, 2009

"The Open Window" by H.H. Munro ("SAKI")

I thought this story was absolutely hilarious. After reading it once, I was actually quite afraid and spooked that these men were returning after three years. I had imagined this horror story of them being ghosts that come back home every night. I read it again to see if it had the same affect on me, and it did except for the fact that this time I noticed the girl had made up a story of why Mr. Nuttel ran out. I started to piece a few things together and decided to read it one more time. During my third reading I finally realized that this entire story was just a joke. I really don't think I have ever laughed at something I read in a book until this point. I thought it was hilarious how a 15 year old girl completely fabricated this great story with every detail intact. She had to be one of the best liars of all time. Not only did she make this up, but she made sure to include every detail to make it sound realistic. I have never seen anyone sell a story as well as this girl did, she could probally become a millionare by selling ice to eskimos.

I think one of the reasons I enjoyed this story so much is because it reminded me of me and my brother pulling pranks on my mother. My mom can sometimes be over paranoid and me and my brother have never been able to make sense of it. Every time we leave the house, we usually have to come imediately back because she is afraid that she left the iron on, or forgot to lock the door, or close the garage door. Often this would frustrate my brother and I, so we decided we would use her own nerves against her. Every time we would leave the house we would start telling her that she left the iron on. She would get nervous and drive back home. Once we got to the house me and my brother woulrd burst out laughing because we thought it was so funny. Although we werent able to keep as good of a poker face as the girl in the story was, we were able to stop our mom from worrying as much because she realized it was a little redicoulus. Although I had to do more thinking than I had originally planned in order to understand this story, it has become a new favorite of mine.

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